My baby turned 1 this past Friday and I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. Today Spencer had his 1 year check up and he is growing quite well. He weighs 21.8 lbs (35th percentile) and he is 32.5 inches long (98th percentile). I can't believe how long he is.
Other 12 month stats and fun facts:
- He can say mama, dada, and tries to say uh oh (he loves to throw his binkie and say it)
- He can get up to a standing position and walks along furniture
- He loves crawling up the stairs (he is still learning how to come back down)
- He still takes 2 naps - he sometimes fights his morning nap but he's not ready to drop it
- He does this excited dance while in his high chair when he sees food he really likes (like a grilled cheese sandwich).
- He still loves to cuddle.
For his first birthday we had an owl themed party
Owl birthday invitation - the wings opened and closed
Birthday banner - I had a picture for each month of his life plus the day he was born
I also made a small banner for his high chair
opening presents
cupcake owl
He wasn't very impressed with his cake. I think he would have rather had a cookie.
You are so creative Rachel!! Such a cute birthday and of course he's adorable.