Monday, June 13, 2011

11 Months

Preston is now 11 months old. He has tons of energy and is always on the go.

Here are some things about him:
  • he now has 4 teeth
  • he is really fast at walking along the couch/furniture
  • he doesn't like cauliflower - when he is done with his food he'll start moving it from his trey to the table
  • he loves books and being read to, he is always dragging them everywhere
  • it doesn't matter what time of day it is he would rather be playing than eating
  • he can stand on his own for a couple of seconds
A couple of weeks ago Preston started making this face. I think he does it when he is frustrated. Whenever we take something away from him, or he doesn't like something, he makes this face at us.

He always crosses his legs while he is in his high chair.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Zoo Trip

Last Saturday we took Preston to the Zoo for the first time. For the most part he seemed kind of oblivious to the animals around him and focused more on the people. The two animals he loved were the leopard and the giraffes, he couldn't stop staring and smiling at them.

Preston and his little friend Ezri

The leopard came right down in front of the glass. Preston loved it.

Preston staring at the giraffe

We couldn't get Preston to stop looking at the giraffe so we could take his picture.